We don’t just offer good products, services, deals and discounts, and shipping from US to Canada to our customers, but we also offer them a chance to earn some points with us. We also offer the lowest shipping prices. This can be done by referring a friend. You refer a friend and then you earn some points which can be redeemed for some product or service from us. Not just this, you get points once your friend joins us and also when he refers someone to join us. It is a great way to earn points and shop. Some of our regular and old customers have earned a huge amount of points and have shopped so many things for free. So if you also wish to enjoy this lucrative scheme, just refer your friend. There is no cost involved and no commitment required from your side. All you have to do is make any or many of your friends join us and earn points and get an ultimate and exclusive shopping experience. Also the whole process of referring a friend is very easy. You just need to sign up a form, get your friend’s documents and it is done. As easy as a child’s play, but beneficial like nothing else. So refer a friend today.