parcel forwarding

Parcel forwarding is the simple answer to international shipping from the US. You can have all the benefits of a United States address without having to front the costs of actually relocating, acquiring citizenship, and securing a business license.

With the rise of companies who offer various “parcel forwarding” services, it’s necessary to establish the basics and bring clarity to the services provided within this industry.

Introduction to parcel forwarding. What is it?

Parcel forwarding companies were created to assist foreign shoppers to receive items they purchased in the United States. The goal is to provide a central location in the United States for receiving mail and packages, then they ship or fly the content to a specified international destination for a fraction of what it may normally cost for international shipping.

Most parcel forwarding companies use their physical warehouse storage address to share with international customers. Anyone can apply for a verified legal street address that can be used to ship packages and mail to over 200 countries worldwide.

What happens to my mail?

When the parcel forwarding company receives your package, it will automatically be stored in a safe environment and placed in queue for your next specified shipment date. If you are expecting multiple items, these can be repackaged into one large container to minimize any dim weight and reduce the overall shipping weight.

What are the requirements to begin parcel forwarding?

You will be required to provide valid identification from your current country of residence. You may also be required to place your credit card on file with the parcel forwarding company since most of them do not receive cash or checks as a form of valid payment in the United States.

Specify the frequency of your parcel forwarding.

The dividing factor between companies who provide “parcel forwarding” services is usually hinged upon how frequent your shipments occur. You can usually purchase memberships based upon weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly delivery options.

Weekly shipments usually require a membership that cost more per month, while monthly or one-time shipments usually cost less. Most companies are able to ship packages, mail, and even magazine subscriptions, however these added features may increase the rate of your subscription and increase your overall cost.

How to avoid common errors and shipping problems.

Parcel forwarding is a simple system that usually flows with ease, but there is one major error that can cause big problems. Once your United States address has been established, it is very important that you always enter the shipping address exactly as it was issued.

For example, the street address may include directional prefixes such as N for north. It may include a specific suite with dashes and numbers, such as AH-809-1. You must also remember to include the full 5-digit zip code. If you are issued an additional four digits on the zip code of your address, you should add these as well to further help you avoid any possible shipping problems.

Even though this may seem like a simple principle to remember, it’s usually the small things that get overlooked and cause the biggest challenges. So, when you’re placing your order and using your new U.S. Address, remember that the shipping address must be placed on your order forms exactly as it was issued.

If you follow these guidelines, your parcel forwarding experience should be seamless, and your packages should arrive to your international doorstep in supreme condition.

One last thing: Whenever you make a purchase that’s specified for international shipping through a parcel forwarding company, be sure to save a copy of your receipt and order tracking number. That way, if any packages become lost in the United States mail, you will have a way to track your items and retrieve them without a hassle.

Now you’re ready to begin parcel forwarding.

Package Forwarding Made Simple<< >>Mail Forwarding Services: How Do They Work?

About the author : admin

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