With all the hue and cry about how cool shopping online is, one can get easily carried away by the web, the hoards of offers that hound you just when you open your inbox.  US online sites and retailers are all set to target audiences from any part of the world, and are ready to ship to countries like Canada, UK and Australia. To add chaos to the already confused mind, there are applications that are built and simply force their way into your mobile. From time to time notifications keep popping up to tempt you to logon and buy.

US online stores have an uncanny reputation to simply sell the best in quality as well as price. Just one question- do you undertake international shipping? And you are set to raid the store. The real shock arrives when you receive that credit card statement at the end of the month. You swear to stick to sensible shopping, only till the next “deal” mail hits your inbox.

So where do you begin to end this vicious circle? Understand that no matter the price cuts you receive online as against a physical store, you may have to pay heavily even if it is standard international shipping rates. On most occasions you never realize how much you pay for shipping as you are still reveling in the awesome deal you clinched online. So what you have gained is unknowing lost in global transportation cost of your merchandise. Further remember-

1)      Shop only when you know you have the time and right occasion to shop for- Online shopping is not a solution for boredom or depression. Throwing money away just to make yourself feel good is temporary. Resist those urges.

Is there a birthday round the corner, do you remember seeing deals and you remember it would be the ideal gift for that person. Go on and make the buy.

2)      Do not blindly open windows of your favorite shopping websites when you sit down with your computer or laptop. Kill monotony with music, or take a break to walk around your desk.

3)      Understand that it is not wise to buy just about everything online, electronics and books are those with less chances of going wrong. If you are a novice or one that has a bad reputation of choosing stuff in a hurry, then stick to these safe options.

4)      If at all you need to buy-Choose reputed online sellers and keep away from sites that have better deals but new.

5)      If you are compelled to buy from say a US online site, then first look for cheap international shipping from USA and then proceed to shop. The better idea would be to look for a friend or a relative to receive the package and forward it to you.

6)      Never ever save your credit card details with a shopping site, it makes just as easy for you to choose a product and choose a default payment option.

7)      Read the terms and conditions of the sale and return policy, if your first thought is doubt simply close the window. There will always be a better option to buy.

There indeed is a lot of pressure on shoppers today, as ridiculous as it may sound. Work on your mindset and save a few bucks with sensible online shopping.


Consolidate your packages effectively to reduce shipping costs- Some tips<< >>Mail forwarding services- a guide to some basic facts

About the author : admin

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